Proxy Cake Refund Policy

Eligibility for refunds

Are you not satisfied with our product and would like to get your money back? You’re eligible for a refund if you meet the following conditions:

1. Purchase method: You have bought the product via our self-service.

2. We can verify that the proxy is not connecting.

3. Refund window: You requested the refund within 14 days of the first purchase date.

4. You haven’t used a free trial for the purchase.

5. You requested a refund for the first purchase within a specific service type, however, not for later payments with that particular type.

6. You haven't purchased an Enterprise plan for any product.

7. You have not used more than 20% of your plan’s data traffic or 1 GB, whichever is reached first.

NOTE: Proxy Cake reserves the right to modify and update this policy at its sole discretion at any time, for any or no reason, and without notice or liability.